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"Mambrino's Helmet"
"This place must be bewitched, and this is why Rocinante cannot move" says Sancho, after having astutely tied the horse's feet with his master's halter.
The next morning, Sancho unties Rocinante. Both knight and squire are
surprised to discover that the noises were caused by fulling hammers, echoing
in the valley.
Sancho makes fun of their frightening adventure and the knight, angry
at being laughed at, chases him, making him fall into a brook; and now it
is Don Quixote who has the last laugh.
After the adventure with the lad from the fulling mill, Don Quixote
and Sancho continue on in a storm. They come upon a man who is wearing
something on his head that shines like gold.
"'Tis the Helmet of Mambrino, which I must conquer!"
But what Don Quixote really sees is a barber's basin. The barber is on
his way to visit a client and, to keep his head dry from the rain, is wearing
the basin like a hat.
"Defend thyself, O miserable creature, or yield unto me voluntarily
the Helmet of Mambrino!"
The barber, thinking that Don Quixote is some kind of ghost, flees in haste leaving the basin behind. Sancho asks his master to place himself at the service of some king, who would then write of their adventures.
Don Quixote thinks it a good idea, but first, he says, 'tis wiser to seek more adventures in order to make a name for himself so that when he does go to the court of some king, he will already be known by his brave deeds.
"In payment for my noble deeds, that king would give me the kingdom
I conquer and I would then name thee Count."
Later on they see a line of men in chains, with two guards .
"Those are galley slaves, people forced to serve in the galleys",
Sancho informs him. Don Quixote wants to know why they are enchained, and stops
the group. Each one of the prisoners tells his tale of woe to Don Quixote, and
the last one, the most dangerous of the lot, is called Ginés
de Pasamonte.
Our Nobleman, feeling sorry for them, begs the guards to let them go. "'Tis
hard indeed to make slaves of those whom Mother Nature has made
free", he proclaims. The guards admonish the gentleman. A fracas ensues
and the galley slaves take advantage of it all to unarm the guards and free
themselves. Don Quixote wants them to show their gratitude by going to El Toboso
and placing themselves at the service of Dulcinea; but the galley slaves stone
him and Sancho, leaving them in a bad way. Then they flee for fear of being
caught by the Holy Brotherhood.